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Environment Variables(JAVA)

Environment Variables(JAVA)

Tomcat & TomEE:

VariableValue ExampleDescription
JAVA_HOME/usr/java/latest/A path to the directory with the Java compiler (informational)
JAVA_OPTS_CONFFILE/opt/tomcat/conf/variables.confPath to the variables.conf file
JAVA_VERSION1.8.0.161A version of the running Java engine (informational)
BitssCloud_EXPOSE0Disables or enables the auto-redirect functionality with an ability to define required port manually
TOMCAT_SHORT_VERSION9A major version of the running Tomcat server (informational)
TOMCAT_VERSION9.0.5A minor version of the running Tomcat server (informational)
WEBROOT/opt/tomcat/webapps/Sets a path to the directory for application deployment
VERT_SCALINGtrueDefines if the default Java GC agent should be enabled (true) or disabled (false)
FULL_GC_AGENT_DEBUGfalseEnables (true) or disables (false) the debug mode to track the Java GC processes in the logs
FULL_GC_PERIOD60Sets the interval (in seconds) between the full GC calls; 900 by default, i.e. 15 minutes
G1PERIODIC_GC_INTERVAL(for openJDK 12/13 only)3000A frequency of the G1 Periodic Collection in milliseconds (G1PeriodicGCInterval15 minutes by default); set as 0 to disable
G1PERIODIC_GC_SYS_LOAD_THRESHOLD(for openJDK 12/13 only)0Allows G1 Periodic Collection execution, if the average one-minute system load is below the set value; This condition is ignored if set as zero.Is equal to the {CPU_cores_number}*{GC_SYS_LOAD_THRESHOLD_RATE}by default
GC_SYS_LOAD_THRESHOLD_RATE(for openJDK 12/13 only)0.3Custom multiplier to flexibly adjust the G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThresholdvalue (0.3 by default)
FULL_GC_AGENT_DEBUGfalseEnables (true) or disables (false) the debug mode to track the Java GC processes in the logs

 GlassFish & Payara:

VariableValue ExampleDescription
ADMIN_USERadminLogin of the admin user for the administration console (informational)
DASfalseShows if there is a DAS node (required to configure cluster) for the current layer
GMS_LISTENER_PORT9090Port to be used by the group management service (GMS) on nodes (informational)
HAZELCAST_CONFIG/opt/glassfish/hazelcast.xmlSets a path to the hazelcast configuration file
HOME_DIR/home/BitssCloudContainer home directory (informational)
JAVA_OPTS_CONFFILE/opt/glassfish/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/variables.confPath to the variables.conf file
JAVA_VERSION1.8.0.144A version of the running Java engine (informational)
BitssCloud_PRIORITY_PORTS28080Sets a GlassFish HTTP listener port
ON_ENV_INSTALL script to be executed after environment creation
PORT_4848_TCP_PORT4848Port for admin console (informational)
PSWD_FILE/home/BitssCloud/.ssh/pwdfilePath to the file with the admin user password (informational)
WEBROOT/opt/glassfish/glassfish/domains/domain1/applicationsSets a path to the directory for application deployment
VERT_SCALINGtrueEnables (true) or disables (false) the debug mode to track the Java GC processes in the logs
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