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Ruby Apps Specification > Post Deploy Configuration

Post Deploy Configuration

BitssCloud can perform post deployment application configuration via rake. This is usually needed to finalize the configuration of complex applications, to run additional applications or specific steps for application configuration like db:migrate.

To do this we’ve introduced a new file called rake_deploy. It is located in the application root and contains a list of the commands that have to be passed to rake. Each command has to be located in a separate line. Commands are executed successively.

BitssCloud executes commands from rake_deploy with each restart of the apache/nginx service and deletes them right after successful execution. As a result, if you need to bypass different commands to rake on each deploy you need to create a rake_deploy file each time and put the correct commands there.

BitssCloud puts the output of each rake_deploy into a corresponding log file which is available via “Logs” view in the BitssCloud Dashboard.

Syntaxis of rake_deploy file:$COMMAND_NAME_1


And BitssCloud will execute the following scripts:rake $COMMAND_NAME_1


In case of Redmine rake_deploy looks like the following:generate_secret_token

Note: To freeze gems you need to add this command to rake_deploygems:unpack

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